至于觉得我们邀请不够诚意的朋友。。。那我们真的很对不起了。。因为我们没办法一个一个打电话邀请每个想要邀请的人;所以我们用了很多种不同的管道来邀请。不管任何一种管道,我们都很努力的注入了我们的心思去构想和实现。如果你还是没办法体会到我们的用心,而我们也不能强迫你改变你自己的想法所以其实我们也不能做什么。。。 简单来说,我们只能把心思放在会出席我们婚宴的朋友,慢慢的一个一个打电话和他们确认出席;这样还是要打160多通电话你能明白吗?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
[ 转贴以好好警惕我自己。]
Monday, August 02, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Sony Headset bought at SGD69 broken within 9 months
This is the cheapest neck back headset I found in Jurong Point Sony Style, so I bought it. Well, I won’t expect it to last forever but I do expect it to last more than 1 year..buts……it broken within 9months.
Therefore, I took my time go back to the same shop and found out that anything cost less than $100 for headset is not cover by any warranty(except a first 7 days exchange). WTH! I can easily find an headset selling less than $50 and it’s covered by at least 1 year warranty.
By spending a little bit more, I can even buy a Sennheiser headset with 2 years warranty @ $99 (that’s still less than 100!)
Moral of the story:
Headset from SONY? I scare my spending not justifiable.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Great condition fridge for sale.
Price: $80
Conditions: Used for 3 years (a fridge at least can last for 10 years)
Located at: Blk 837 , Jurong West St 81, opposite Nanyang CC.
Transport: Free!(if collect by yourself)
Additional $25 for delivery to any location in Singapore.
How to buy: Drop an email to jen228 (at) gmail.com
Reason for selling: I think you saw the bigger fridge from the pictures.
Fridge dimensions and pictures as shown below:SOLD
Thursday, June 10, 2010
My Windows Live Spaces can’t display properly in Firefox & Chrome but only IE
Monday, May 24, 2010
How to vote and support my friend at Omy Best Photography Blog!
Please go to http://sgblogawards.omy.sg/category/ and select Best Photography Blog >>
Must click the “Vote ” word at the right bottom, click on the picture icon will link to the blog instead.
Click the login button :
Existing user please login, new user please click “Registration” link to register a new account with omy:
After registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you and you need to click the link to activate you account.
After activation, please go back to the first 2 screens and login to vote, the final screen after voting should be :
Saturday, May 15, 2010
拉开首炮的就是佩佩啦,严格来说我们是中学同学,虽然不同班不过都有见过面。哈哈,上次看到她是在秀玲的婚礼,由于那时姐妹们都穿得像月饼的包装所以这次看到妳认真打扮还真的是不习惯(开玩笑的啦,不要太介意:P)。虽然认识不久但是我真的认为她是个很不错的人;所以ah soh你记得好好对她啊。虽然我搞不太懂她家里的监视系统的分布和涵盖范围(好像讲到太夸张,其实没有那么恐怖啦,不要想太多她不是恐怖分子。。。);不过我知道她很谦虚,随和又没有架子。
再来就是我的小学同学玉凤的婚礼啦,这个婚礼特别用心。需要把姐妹和家人统统空运到槟城,当然还包括把我运去。。哈哈。。破费了啦!还有我就是搞不懂不知道她去哪里找到这么好的骏马 (她老公);真的是很难找的咯!而且最重要的就是他很爱她,能包容和体谅她。看到他们这么开心的步入人生的另一个阶段,我真的是开心得不得了。而这个婚礼有一定的挑战性,因为要在很短的时间内把当天的图片幻灯片赶在晚宴前完成。这个对我绝对不是问题,问题是我竟然在完成了这个幻灯片后有突然有一股想哭的感觉。其实我不知道来宾们看了会不会有一样的感觉,而我自己也不知道为什么我会有这种感觉(可能是被她当天一直开着的水龙头的双眼影响到??)说真的我很荣幸能够参与这很感人真挚的婚礼。一首我以为是CD播放的Ave Maria;(听到我差点皮肤发麻,好听到不行,简直和sarah brightman差不多嘛!)徐徐步入教堂接受神,家人,亲友和朋友的祝福。。。真不知道要用什么形容词(不好意思,我的华语太差。。)。。。。当年像男生到不行的她。。。终于成功嫁出去了!以刘谦的口头禅来说,我们参加这个婚礼简直就是“见证奇迹的时刻”!!!(哇哈哈。。开玩笑的啦 :P)不过话说回来,虽然大家真的都很少见面不过还是有一定的默契。(其实我想写:虽然大家真的都很少见面不过在心中都有一定的位置。可是我怕你老公会把我列入黑名单里头。。开玩笑的啦。。我相信ah jon不是这种人咯。。)
最后就是我的大学同学,诗人剑波啦。这个人怎么说呢。。我还记得第一次见到他是上实验课,一般来说像我这样普通的学生,如果和另一个普通的学生合作,会用实验课的2个小时来完成整个实验。可是剑波刚好每次都是坐在我旁边和另外一个人“搭档”。根据我的观察,几乎每次他都是一个人花一个小时多一点就完成实验就可以跑路了。(所以我很懊恼为什么我不是跟他一组。。酱我就不用做了嘛!)尽管如此,我还是一直很有兴趣他到底值怎样做到的,过后认识他以后才发现原来他已经算正常,还有更恐怖的。。哈哈。还有就是他们夫妇俩特别选了在南大的云南园注册!这个可真的是很有意义(当然这样大家就不用到很远的地方观礼了嘛)。。。我个人认为在自强不息;力求上进和牌坊之间注册,意义非凡。可能是我想太多,不过每每在云南园看到自强不息;力求上进这八个大字就莫名的很热血;想干一番大事业。所以我觉得这个跟本就是超好的!在这八个大字前发誓为另一半付出一辈子的爱;个人认为超赞!所以热一点也没关系的,我流汗不多。但是详细问了他们一下,原来他们不知道nanyang executive center有个专门为校友而设的注册小礼堂,全冷气的说。。不过不用紧啦,我还是比较喜欢在云南园。因为有很热血的大字!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
All you need to know about renewing passport at Malaysia High Commission of Singapore
Disclaimer : all info correct as of 22nd April 2010, please verify them if necessary.
Location & Contact Details :
As of end of March 2010, they will only receive new passport application from Monday to Thursday (220 per day) and all passport will be ready for collection on Friday.
Things to prepare:
1. 2 blue background color photos (3.5cm x 5cm, passport size)
2. Original Malaysian IC and 1 photocopy of it (front and back)
3. Original SPR IC/student pass/employment pass etc. and 1 photocopy of it(front and back)
4. Completed IM42 form (can be collected at guard house for free or download online from IMI website. Please print this form in one sheet of paper as they don’t accept 2 sheet of papers.)
5. Cash SGD128 (subjected to change)
6. Your current passport (well, do I need to mention this?)
How to go (Map) :
Take bus no. 32 from Redhill MRT station(or bus no 14 / 65 from orchard MRT) and alight at the bus stop opposite valley pt condo.(You can press the bell after you saw the Esso petrol station on your left hand side for bus no. 32) then walk along Jervios road (the road in between Esso and SPC petrol station) to reach Malaysia High Commission of Singapore.
If you plan to transfer your re-entry permit (REP) at ICA building personally, you can board bus no. 32 at the bus stop opposite valley pt condo too. However, you can actually transfer your REP to new passport via the online eServices from http://www.ica.gov.sg/
Some images for easier navigation :
Application Procedure :
1. Get a pass from the Guard house.
Things to take note :
a. they need one of your photo ID or credit card to exchange for a pass, please don’t give them your IC as you’ll need it later, give them your driving license etc.
b. Please don’t join the queue blindly as normally they’ll be two queues, one for getting pass at guard house another queuing to go in the high commission after you got your pass.
2. Queue at the side door and wait for security check to go in the high com.
3. Get all your forms ready and remember to stick your photos in the form, they will check before issue you a queue number. (special counter available for senior citizen and pregnant women)
4. After got your queue number, wait for your turn for submission of new passport application.
5. After submission, pay at the payment counter and they will tell you what time to go for collection on Friday. Voila, that’s it!
p/s : photocopy and self service photo taking available on the spot but it’s advisable get all your documents ready before you go to avoid long queue.
Things to take note for fill out the IM42 form:
Please fill out accordingly and take note of the following…
Page 1 : You only need to fill out your Singapore address in the “Alamat Semasa” section and remember to stick your photo and write your mobile number at the bottom part.
Page 2 : Remember to stick your photo and fill out current passport number.
References :
As I had benefited a lot from others blog post so I think it’s good to write an updated version. Please feel free to copy and rewrite this post to a better one. Cheers!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
say bye bye to tap input and say hello to gesture based text input from SlideIT , Swype , Shapewriter….
After I tried the gesture based data entry from SlideIT myself using my Windows Mobile(WM) phone yesterday. I’m quite convinced that tap typing input in mobile device(or smaller screen device) will soon be phased out. (well, at least for smart phone)
Initially, I really wanted to try Swype but it wasn’t available for every WM phone due to their business model(To my understanding , more incline to B-B instead of B-C). That’s completely alright for me so I try SlideIT which generally provide more or less the same thing.
Anyone who ever use WM will know that the basic input method provided from MS really leave a large room for developer to do something. Text input is generally a painful experience, so I’ll try to write as short as possible in my SMS. However, things change after I install slideIT.
Simply put, it’s fast, it’s easy to learn, it’s cool. Using some sort of history term, you really can divide the “text input timeline” using BC and AD.
Some demo videos done by others from youtube:
All of these 3 input method are actually protected by some sort of “patent” thing but I’m not going to dig into that since it’s going to be a long debate. If you’re interested you can visit here instead.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Links to IEEE GOLD Webinar : A survival guide for scientific writing in the academic and professional environments
I find it quite useful by attending this webinar entitled “A survival guide for scientific writing in the academic and professional environments”
If you’re interested you also can take a recap on it from the following links:
Direct Link to this Webinar : https://admin.na5.acrobat.com/_a758482253/p41003999/
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Let’s support EARTH HOUR!
Sorry for not updating for so long but this one is very urgent…haha! Let’s do our bits for mother earth!! hope you can join too !!
To Sign up :http://earthhour.wwf.sg/signup_ind.php
More info:
Of course you can do more by :
- Taking lesser lift and use staircase more often. If your office or home located at level 16, you can take the lift to level 12 and use the staircase to reach your destination.
- Eat lesser meat or convert to vegetarian
- If the above are too hard to do for you… then simply bring your own bag when go shopping
- Taking public transport
- please add on yourself and the list goes on
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
活动时间:Saturday 30-01-2010(10am-8pm) & Sunday 31-01-2010(10am-7pm)
Address: Junction of Elias Road and Pasir Ris Drive 1
应该会有在出了Pasir Ris MRT Gate,转右后不远处的小巴士站提供免费往返载送到园游会活动地点的交通服务。