Friday, October 17, 2008

why microsoft again?

well.. my MS word 2007 just went down to hell yesterday(if you need more information about the living in hell with MS word, you can contact me -_-||), the day when I need it the most....... not accidentally done by myself but the holy famous Windows Update!

what the hell....

well.. why a use to be working perfect MS word fail suddenly? I'm not sure.. but this solved my problem so i guess it's becoz of the bad registry....

so! who change the registry setting? me? nono.. i'm not so free to do that, it's the famous WINDOWS UPDATE!

I'm just a normal user who will use the holy MS word in daily basis to do some had I done in getting all this shit? as a very obedient user, I turn on the holy windows update did not expect it will mess up anything..

so.. the next question, why it will mess up thing? to my surprise, I found an office 2003 update in the update history so.. i guess it's becoz previously i have installed both office 2003 and office 2007 in the same system, so the windows update get confuse?? but.. I had un-installed office 2003! so there must be some shit left behind and it still downloading office 2003 update.... and mess up my office 2007.... hell....

it's a total waste of time in troubleshooting all this nonsense.. and also a total waste of time in writing all this rubbish as well! so i'm gonna stop and hope that all software company know how to clean up their shit after end user UNINSTALL it!

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