英文有句话说“A picture tells a thousand words”,这是骗人的(这句是废话)。现实生活中,几经我费心,一张图也只可以容下这些字而已。。哈哈。。
不管怎样,我给这张图最高荣誉的JenWongPhotography Badge以表示我对它和她的重视。
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
不过话又说回来,为了学习各路美食,他们不惜“色诱”leng zai lap教他们做蛋挞。据说成效还不错,成功把金盆洗手的leng zai lap骗到傻傻,乖乖教他们十八般看到就流口水蛋挞绝招,好不厉害。成功学习蛋挞后,他们再接再励乘胜追击,再次使出他们“色诱”绝招来骗shm妹妹,结果不成功。因为她是女的,只要直接跟她说就可以了不用“色诱”。哪里知道他们直接跟她讲要学做蛋糕后她还就真的就教了他们。。好不恐怖。。就这样两位大厨就精通了两样美食。。。预知详情,请听下回分解(以上这一段故事纯属虚构;若有雷同;实属巧合,哈哈。。。)
当然在此也要特别感谢两位大厨们每次都留了两人份给小q和小t! :D
Eunice Bday @ Zhou’s Kitchen & Icing Room
This was what happen when I went to buffet dinner/lunch… eat too much!!! and I feel like dying… it’s the only time that eating = torture. I think i’ve to control a bit next time so I won’t feel so guilty eating too much food....
check it out , DJ Jen at work! (eerrrrpppsssss….)
time to deco eunice’s little cake~
hmm.. this looks like a ghost in ghost blaster..
This is doraemon..erm…according to Dr. Yang..
wahahaha… this is Dr. Evil’s rocket to the moon!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nine-2-Four Sept. baby celebration makan makan
九月的baby特别的多。。跟据没确认过的统计。。是因为大多数人在十二月放假或去度假,由于平时生活太过苦闷于是有时就做了坏人;放假时于是就好好做人。哈哈。。不过话说回来,这次的makan makan bday celebration 还有主题的wor。。就是"Nine-2-Four",因为是在20090924的聚餐,特别鸣谢主办单位的负责人hr还有各路英雄的鼎力支持。。呵呵。。让我们来看看当天的食物还有一点点的实况:
How to : Change laptop memory for Samgsung Netbook N120
Step 1 : Flip your netbook and locate the memory section, unscrew the nut and take out the cap.
Step 2 : Electrostatic discharge your hand by touching any conductive metal or wearing a glove. (CAUTION: Electrostatic sensitive device, not for kids, except maybe you got lot of $ to buy a new one for him to play)
Step 3 : pull the 2 levers simultaneously as shown and the RAM will pop up as shown at the following figure.
Step 4 : Take out the the 1GB RAM in the direction as shown
Step 5 : unpack your RAM package, take out your newly bought 2GB RAM and slot it into your netbook in the direction shown. (note : this netbook only support DDR2 laptop RAM)
Step 6 : Press down in direction as shown until you hear the “click” sound from the levers and you’re done!